SME Legal Talks
"Keep in touch with us on facebook, twitter and Linked in where we post relevant legal updates"
We are pleased to announce our Autumn series of free legal talks for SME's.
Now what exactly is this for? We aim to arm you with the tools to avoid unnecessary legal pitfalls by being given the information you need to know when to take action, avoid action or indeed call your solicitor to action!
The topics include the following:
1. Starting Up Sucessfully
2. Employees
3. Advertising and Marketing Law
4. Intellectual Property Law
5. Online Business Law
When: Wednesdays from 7pm from 24th September 2014
Where: The Georgian Business Centre, Baggot Street
Why: We are passionate about our business and our clients. We like to help businesses avoid legal pitfalls and incurring unnecessary fees. We are not aiming to turn you into Lawyers we are aiming to give you enough information to know when you need to ask for help!
The talks will be from 30-45 minutes long followed by a a question and answer session and time also to get to know other members of SME's who have come along.